Monday, July 1, 2013

The Standring's Have Arrived....Valhalla's 100th Anniversary!!

Today, Canada day, was a special celebration in our new community Valhalla. It marked their 100th anniversary, which this tiny community decided to have a parade to celerbrate this.  So Papa had an idea that the grandkiddies might like to go in the parade as the "New Neighbours."  So Roxi and Heidi and I plunged into the decoration of the truck...greared up the kiddies, and off we went!  Hadassah, Aunika, Naomi and Baby Achilles were thrilled to be a part of it all!
No work today...ummm, well actually Papa did get in two hours of basementy work before the parade...but, he is taking the afternoon off from the farm!

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Roof is Finally FINISHED!!! and the Basement Floor too!! (We Sigh with Relief)

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June 25th.....Marks has been working on the roof himself this week and he has also added some siding. We have "repurposed" some of the "old wood" into our new home!!! Have a look!!

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